“The polarization in our community is slowly but surely killing us”, writes rat PAC(K) co-founder and former SCDC board chairman, Jon Barton. “Some” he continues, (apparently oblivious to the irony), are “intrinsically xenophobic” and anti-development and have created a development bogeyman while others are simply idiots on a “fool’s errand”. If statements like that aren’t polarizing, what are they?

It goes without saying that just because someone opposes Barton’s 19th century view of fossil fueled economic development doesn’t make them anti-business or anti-development. Barton employs more typical scare tactics about “collisions” and “disasters” and declining graduation rates in his missive to The World and claims, “Costs are rising at about twice the rate of revenues”, although he cites no authority.

Barton also tries to validate the biased and unbelievable advisory committee reports which really is a fool’s errand.