There are hundreds of covert operations on multiple continents in full support of the White House.

Dirty Wars: The World Is A Battlefield by Jeremy Scahill continues his interview with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now

Obama is responsible for the deaths of 178 children in Pakistan and Afghanistan by "targeted" drone strikes

Obama is responsible for the deaths of 178 children in Pakistan and Afghanistan by “targeted” drone strikes

America is now becoming known as the great bully and while our president mourns the death of innocents at massacres like Sandy Hook Elementary or the Boston Marathon bombings, Obama, by his own hand wreaks terror down on remote tribal villages killing women and children in his relentless pursuit of elusive “key” al Qaeda operatives. As Jeremy Scahill quipped, Obama has taken out the “number three” man at least a dozen times.

And so, to me, the concept of The World Is a Battlefield actually is not something I thought up; it’s a doctrine, actually, a military doctrine called “Operational Preparation of the Battlespace,” which views the world as a battlefield. And what it says is that if there are countries where you predict, where the military predicts that conflicts are likely or that war is a possibility, you can forward deploy troops to those countries to prepare the battlefield. And under both Bush and Obama, the world has been declared the battlefield. You know, the Authorization for the Use of Military Force that was passed after 9/11 is technically the law that President Obama and his administration point to when they say they have a right to drone strike in Yemen, because these people are connected to the 9/11 attacks. But in reality, one of the enduring legacies of the Obama presidency is going to be that he solidified this Cheneyesque view of the U.S. government, which says that when it comes to foreign policy, that the executive branch is effectively a dictatorship and that Congress only has a minimal role to play in oversight. I mean, Cheney didn’t want Congress to have any role in it. Obama’s administration plays this game with Congress: Certain people can go into the padded room and look at this one document, but, oh, not this other document, and you’re not allowed to bring in a utensil to write with, and you can’t ever tell anyone what you said. That’s congressional oversight on our assassination program. But they have doubled down on this all-powerful executive branch perspective. And that’s why we see this stuff expanding.