House Bill 3437, co-sponsored by Rep Wayne Krieger (R) would exclude biologists, birdwatchers, business owners and the majority of Oregon citizens from being appointed to the State Fish and Wildlife Commission and having a voice in wildlife management.
(A) + } Shall have a general knowledge of fish and wildlife issues and an understanding of the operation and functions of public policy boards and commissions.
{ + (B) Must have held at least one of the following licenses in each of the 10 calendar years immediately preceding
appointment to the commission under the provisions of this section:
(i) A valid hunting license issued pursuant to ORS 497.102;
(ii) A valid angling or shellfish license issued pursuant to
ORS 497.121; or
(iii) A commercial fishing license required by ORS 508.235.
(b) + } In making appointments to the commission, the Governor shall consider appointing members who possess natural resource backgrounds such as backgrounds in commercial fishing, recreational fishing, hunting, agriculture, forestry and
(8) Failure of a member to maintain compliance with the eligibility requirements of subsections (4) and (5) of this
section shall vacate membership.
Evidently, Krieger thinks the only reason to be on a wildlife commission is if your ultimate goal is to kill wildlife.
krieger is an extremist. This bill is DOA. Hunters are not conservationists. They are destroyers of a lot of wildlife.
Ron, All Is Possible with the Lawd.
And it helps to control the local, what we old timers used to call The Press, works like a dream team should.
And that is all it is, a Dream Team searching for the Glass Slipper, and meeting every Wednesday to tell one another how lovely and important they all are. Like Carlin said, “I love people, I hate groups of people, sooner or later they all want to wear hats and things”. Amen to that brother.
As usual, more toxic thinking comes from a Repub.
I’m always amazed atkrieger’s references to public employment, PERS, and those people who reire on PERS and ontnue in another capacity with the State. A term Krieger refers to as double-dippig. Ths from a retired State employee who is now in the legislature. Let me see…PERS retirement AND legislative pay. Sounds familiar. Not to mention on te State Secrearies expense page I see where Mr. krieger saw fit to run up a $157 lunch in Coos Bay. Collecting 2 pay checks must work up an appetite!
“Evidently, Krieger thinks the only reason to be on a wildlife commission is if your ultimate goal is to kill wildlife.”
Brilliant, M.
I don’t think Krieger is capable of thought. Not rational thought in any case.
I would have to agree and it doesn’t stop him from running around the state claiming the federal government has absconded with millions of acres even though he can’t name a source for his information