Commissioner Main raised the topic of staff laid off at the solid waste department who are drawing unemployment checks from the county but could be shaking metal out of the ash pit. There is an estimated $1 million of recyclable metal in the trenches and last year the facility bought almost $400K of equipment paid for with funds from the solid waste contingency fund. Metal reclamation earned $250K last year with just three months of operation and earns enough to pay the principle and salaries and generate additional revenue for the facility.

Commissioners Messerle and Parry agreed to take up the suggestion at the next solid waste work session along with other staffing matters within ten days.

Since the May 15 election there has been two commission meetings and so far only candidate Don Gurney has seen fit to attend. John Sweet and Tim Bishop running for position two and Melissa Cribbins who is opposing Don Gurney for position three have not attended any meetings and were not known to attend commission meetings prior to filing their candidacy papers.