DB Western, Inc a contributor to both the CCAP and Fred Messerle’s campaign to become a four year commissioner has been penalized $45,800 for multiple hazardous waste violations by Oregon DEQ.
DEQ Issues $45,800 in Penalties to D.B. Western for Multiple Hazardous Waste Violations in North Bend
Violations include improper transport from the company owner’s North Bend ranch to the D.B. Western formaldehyde plant and improper storage at both locations
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has issued D.B. Western, Inc. a total of $45,800 in penalties for hazardous waste violations at the company’s North Bend facility located at 90148 Trans Pacific Lane and at a ranch owned by D.B. Western’s principal, Dennis C. Beetham, at 95234 Larson Lane also in North Bend.
Some of the penalties stemmed from an inspection DEQ conducted at the formaldehyde manufacturing facility. On January 15, 2008 DEQ inspectors were denied the ability to complete the inspection. DEQ returned the next day with an Order of Entry from Coos County. Penalties stemming from the inspection include:
· Refusing to allow DEQ staff to conduct a hazardous waste compliance inspection and collect samples of materials stored at the facility ($5,400 penalty)
· Failing to perform hazardous waste determinations on residues generated by plant operations including a white powdery substance contained in piping stored on the ground, 27 five-gallon containers of waste lacquer thinner, a tank containing used oil and waste solvent and two industrial vessels containing formaldehyde ($9,000 penalty)
· Transporting hazardous waste, in this case the two industrial vessels containing formaldehyde, from a dismantled plant in Minnesota, to the facility without a hazardous waste manifest. The vessels were brought to the plant approximately two-and-a-half years prior to the January 2008 inspection ($3,600 penalty)
· Storing hazardous waste without a hazardous waste storage facility permit ($5,400 penalty)
Other penalties were incurred by D.B. Western based on activities involving the ranch owned by Beetham on Larsen Lane. Penalties include:
· Failing to perform hazardous waste determinations on thirteen 55-gallon drums of waste ($10,800)
· Transporting without a manifest four of the drums, which were later found to have contained hazardous wastes, from the ranch to the formaldehyde plant ($1,800) and storing the drums without a hazardous waste storage facility permit ($5,400)
· Failing to provide information upon request from DEQ about the hazardous waste generated and stored in the thirteen drums at the ranch on Larsen Lane ($4,400)
D.B. Western has appealed the penalties.
These guys were on the North Spit, right? So they likely used Enterprise Zones, UR zones, etc. Anybody remember? Did The Walrus take credit for them being here?