During the public hearings for the county’s proposed governance ordinance less than fifteen people bothered to submit spoken or written comments to the commissioners and better than half of those were opposed or critical of the change. (Those speaking in favor of the ordinance had been members of the governance advisory committee). Undaunted by the lack of enthusiasm the board moved to place the matter before the voters this November. This week the Coos County Republican Central Committee was not only unenthusiastic it was hostile to the idea. [Begins 1:02:20] or skip ahead to the Grile grilling beginning at [1:27:00]

Coupled with other conjectural evidence it seems that only the handpicked governance and structure advisory committee members are driving this philosophical change and the board is acquiescing to their demands while ignoring everyone else. Parry may have rightly recognized that without support from both the public and the staff any governance change will fail but putting it to a public vote is just a bit of theater to save face. Unfortunately, putting the ordinance on the ballot now, rushed and incomplete, with no actual cost breakdown or implementation strategy is a disservice to everyone and will do nothing to dust off the damage he has done to his reputation since taking office. [Hint to Parry: Improve your character and your image will follow suit]