A former Pittsburgh city councilman,Doug Shields, introduced an ordinance banning corporations from natural gas drilling in the city. Now the state of Pennsylvania cries foul saying the ban has encroached on the state’s authority to create environmental regulations. Shields talks with Amy Goodman and explains why he proposed the ban in the first place.

Well, it’s inherently dangerous. There’s no environmental impact studies on the part of the state. The state—the institutions of our government failed miserably to do any kind of due diligence, says, “OK, we’re sitting in the middle of the second-largest gas supply in the world. What’s so bad about that?” And that was about the extent of the thinking from the state, no environmental impact studies, no health risk studies. And now I’ve got sick people all over. I’ve got a Department of Health that is not funded to even look into the complaints. I have a book here, Stories from the Shale Fields, where people go on the record. I mean, these are people that are harmed, people that don’t have water, people that have livestock that died.