By now word is out that commissioners Cam Parry and Fred Messerle voted to put an ordinance enacting radical governance changes on the November ballot. Main voted nay. At the first public hearing half of the twelve members of the public commenting supported the ordinance and four of those served on the governance committee. At today’s hearing two of the same governance committee members supported the ordinance and ten opposed it and county counsel informed the audience that only three people had commented via email which seems to indicate a lack of enthusiasm for this proposal. Regardless, it is to be placed on the ballot this November, but when the majority oppose it, why?

Another point to be made. The ordinance went through a couple of substantial revisions after the 1st reading brought about by concerns raised by District Attorney Paul Fraxer and Sheriff Craig Zanni. It is possible these revisions are sufficiently different from the first public reading of the ordinance at The Mill Casino that the process must begin anew. If this is the case, there will not be adequate time to fulfill all the requirements necessary to place the ordinance before the voters in the general election. (More on this later and any of you lawyers, please feel free to weigh in)

Lastly, according to witnesses, Parry invoked the memory of Andy Jackson to implore Bob Main to support this ordinance and assailed the crowd with one of his trademark long winded, red white and blue banana cream pie, double fudge caramel monologues. Ipecac anyone?