According to The World Cam Parry’s word salad Tuesday where he tossed around the words “ordinance”, “ballot”, “November” and “referendum” like confetti, confused not only the paper but fellow interim commissioner, Fred Messerle. Messerle was heard during the meeting saying he didn’t want to put a governance change to a vote of the people but he still supported Parry drafting an ordinance, or possible ballot title, its hard to tell because probably Parry didn’t know what he meant either.

Now it looks like both Bob Main and Messerle will object to putting this to a vote of the people. Main objected to placing the matter on the ballot unless also including other proposed governance changes like the new county charter. Messerle objects because he believes it is a management decision that does not require nor should be held up by a public vote.

A copy of the video is heading my way and I will produce those clips from previous meetings as well as Tuesday’s meeting, Coos County’s own Larry, Curly and Moe, as soon as possible.