The paper is pitching the assumed and unproven benefits of hiring an administrator and changing the county governance from three full time paid commissioners to five part time commissioners receiving a $1,000 monthly stipend. The paper repeats a claim by the governance committee that the commissioners need more time away from their administrative duties to make policy decisions. Once the video of yesterday’s meeting is available it should become obvious that the commissioners first, cannot agree on what “policy” means and how more free time would enable them to work on policy issues and second, rarely see policy matters, since most are set at the federal and state level, come across their desk anyway.

Additionally, the commissioners have no clue how hiring an administrator will improve the county’s fiscal problems and no plan for using their new found freedom from administrative matters to march forth and bring in new revenue. The two self professed businessmen on the commission are acting recklessly with other people’s money and trying to enact sweeping changes without a proper fiscal impact analysis or a plan for moving forward under the new changes… the proverbial cart before the horse. Neither the structure or governance advisory committees have proven or demonstrated on paper how an administrator will benefit the public.

The real investigation and analysis should be into those pushing this agenda, the CCAP PAC founders and its contributors and how they stand to gain from centralizing the power structure, but don’t expect if from The World.

It may take a couple of days but I have been saving specific video clips from the structure and governance committee meetings and will include clips from yesterday which I hope will prove not only entertaining but very revealing.