In the 2010 campaign The World newspaper turned itself into a pretzel in order to endorse then chamber darling and incumbent Kevin Stufflebean for commissioner despite admitting he had been more than liberal with the truth from time to time. Challenger Andy Jackson was a mystery they said, because the then sheriff didn’t bother to sit down for an interview, so the paper chose a proven liar over the mysterious but nonetheless well known elected official, Jackson.

The paper also favored incumbent Nikki Whitty over challenger Larry Van Elsberg because of her breadth of experience yet is now critical of Bob Main and Randy Sanne for position one because they have government experience and are “county insiders”. Instead the paper favors yet another chamber favorite precisely because he has no experience or track record. Today, the paper supports yet another chamber pick, John Sweet for position two and widely expected to endorse Melissa Cribbens which may well be the death knell of her campaign amongst the general populace.

Happily, for position one the paper has a lousy track record of picking winners.