Frank Williams heads up the non-profit organization PEG Broadcasting, our local public access channels 14 and 98. These channels air the city, port and county public meetings that not everyone has the time to attend and are entirely filmed by volunteers. Last year, Williams produced seven one side “documentaries” entitled “Build the Docks – They will come” with guest speakers like John Griffith, Jon Barton, Dan Varoujean and Sandy Messerle pushing, you guessed it, building a container dock, LNG, etc… Williams offered no dissenting voices an opportunity to join his production and even referred to opponents of some of these plans as CAVE people and one of his guests suggested environmentalists “hang themselves”.

Williams not only didn’t invite opponents of some Port projects but has gone so far as to try and muzzle the volunteers filming these meetings by telling them they can’t take their turn to speak during citizen comments. Nevertheless, Williams has not restrained himself from speaking out at public meetings, most recently at the Marine Reserves hearing, and calling his fellow citizens and viewers names and now he has taken out a full page ad in The World promoting his personal agenda. While the ad says it is paid for by Frank Williams, the production, the cameras, the filming, the server space and the air time are all paid for by public grants and donations. Williams is the CEO of this organization and his name calling is inappropriate and unprofessional and he should consider stepping down. Regardless, PEG Broadcasting definitely owes some equal time to those groups with different viewpoints.