Pettit has previously revealed his contempt for government, regulations, the environment and public employees and today he unbuttoned his anti-regulatory raincoat and flashed his disdain for public meetings law in a comment at The World.

I admire Mr. Sanne’s near fanatical obsession with public meeting laws. In a sincere effort to serve all Coos County residents Mr. Sanne filed two ethics complaints against the all-volunteer members of the Structure Committee, who contributed hundreds of personal hours to find answers to our County’s looming budget crisis. Mr. Sanne has shown little interest in helping address the budget issues. However, if elected, we can depend on total and complete transparency to our County’s demise.

Every girl knows better than to trust a man who says, “trust me”, rather than give a coherent fact based explanation but that is just what Pettit expects everyone to do with his claims about the county at a recent chamber luncheon.

‘If you get a skilled county administrator, there are things that person could do that would result in some tangible dollar savings on an immediate basis,” Pettit said. ‘Employees are dealing with issues an administrator could solve. Solving those issues makes the employees more effective, and more efficiencies result in more savings.”…Pettit said. ‘Trust me.”

Herein lies the problem with the current board, the county counsel and the appointed committees… the public have no confidence in their judgment. We DON’T trust their judgment, their ethics, their skills or them!

Meanwhile, it appears that the ridicule Pettit attempts to heap on the government doesn’t extend to his business obtaining a $25,000 urban renewal grant to freshen up the storefront windows at the motorcycle shop. Yeah, that will turn out to be a good investment for the taxpayer.