There is now a job description for the commissioners on the county website. Written in August, 2008, the document lists many duties such as “4. Appoints and employs the Director of Parks and Director of Lands and Forests and assists in the planning, supervision and construction of all County Parks, approves or disapproves purchase of land, land exchanges, land leases and timber sales, directs purchase of equipment and contracts for building and/or repairs.” The following requirements are suggested in order to qualify for the job.

Thorough knowledge of county government organization, powers and function and relationships with other governmental jurisdictions; thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of public administration, particularly as applied to the management of diversified county governmental services; thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of public budgeting, finance, reporting and personnel management; considerable ability and skill in establishing and maintaining cooperative and harmonious working relationships with county administrative officials and employees, representatives of business and government organizations and the general public; ability to appraise the quality of varied municipal services through inspection and review of work reports and to develop and effectively initiate improvement in management methods; ability to speak effectively before varied groups.

How many of these qualities do you think were considered with the interim appointments of Parry and Messerle? For that matter, how many of these skills were we voters considering the last time we voted for a commissioner?

You can learn more about mandated services and other job descriptions at the structure advisory committee website here