Now that we have a conservative Republican boy’s club sitting on the Coos County Commission the drum is beating to run Coos County government like a business. Without repeating my argument that government cannot be run like a business it does beg the question of which business model our appointed leaders seek to employ?

Will they pick the Weyehaeuser model of plundering all timber as quickly as possible, pocketing all the profits before closing down?

Perhaps they will choose the Roseburg Lumber model of laying off hundreds of workers while at the same time using public funds to ship raw material to workers overseas?

Maybe they plan to use the ORC model of privatizing the profits while socializing the risks. Oh, but wait, the government is already socialized. How would that work?

Will they pick, Lehman Brothers, or Wells Fargo, or GM, Chrysler, BP Oil or Enron as their perfect model of how a government should be run?

If anyone has an idea, please let me know.