Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Associates postulates about the detonation at Fukushima reactor #3 compared to the other reactor explosions. We also learn the #3 explosion scattered spent fuel rods miles away and blew aerosolized plutonium and uranium into the atmosphere.

Gundersen provides a detail of the GE Mark I reactor design that might have led to this disaster

Gundersen Postulates Unit 3 Explosion May Have Been Prompt Criticality in Fuel Pool from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo.

From this video we learn that groundwater contamination has probably already occurred and is migrating beyond the reactor area. Gundersen reaffirms the ongoing disaster at Fukushima is “Chernobyl on steroids”.

Russia Today: Gundersen First to Say Fukushima Worse than Chernobyl from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo.