The centralized grid system is built upon antiquated 19th century technology and aging transformers are very vulnerable to anticipated cyclic solar storms. One of the consequences of the central grid is that failures are known to cascade and take out massive sections cutting power to millions. A decentralized or distributed power system would weather a solar storm much better.
The sun’s eleven year cycle of heightened electrical activity is beginning and articles abound across the net about catastrophic consequences with massive power outages globally.

Scientists have been warning for several years that the Earth is entering a new solar cycle characterized by more intense and frequent solar storms, where the sun releases large bursts of electrified gasses. Those storms can disrupt satellites, including the Global Positioning System; fry electronic devices; and even disrupt the electricity grid.

Though such variations in the sun’s cycle are normal, the world is increasing reliant on electronic devices, which are particularly vulnerable to interruption during such solar storms.

Professor John Beddington, Britain’s chief scientific advisor, speaking at the American Association for the Advancement of Science warns that a calm phase of solar activity does not mean the earth is not at risk of a deadly solar storm.

A ferocious solar storm could hit the Earth anytime now and make life miserable for mankind, astronomers monitoring Sun’s activities said Tuesday.

As the Sun enters its “most active” phase in decades, the solar storm — tiny charged X-ray or ultraviolet particles emanating from the Sun’s surface — could cause major disruptions in communication and satellite channels besides interfering with sophisticate electronic gadgetry.

Astronomers are visualizing a scenario where the space storm could severely damage communications satellites, ground aircraft and trigger blackouts, which could cause losses to the tune of billions of dollars…

…Scientists, monitoring the situation, say that the possibility of space interference was at its peak now as the Sun was entering “the most active period of its 11-year natural cycle”. The next phase of heightened activity would come in 2013.

The following videos imagine a scenario and a possible solution to catastrophic failure – deliberately shutting down the grid during a coronal mass ejection event. Will we be prepared for such an event? Public water systems will not work without electricity and power stations will not start much less run without water.

Part I

Part II

Part III
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Part IV

Part V