One of the reasons I blog and one of the reasons I am so critical of media, even local media, for not telling the whole truth, is Judith Miller. Judith Miller allowed herself and the NY TImes to become a tool of the Bush White House. Her stenography posing as reporting fueled the completely fabricated case for war and my oldest son a Marine combat veteran is now permanently disabled because of it. This “journalist” who reprinted verbatim unsubstantiated facts from a highly suspect source, Ahmad Chalabi, had the cajones, during a segment on Fox News, to call Julian Assange a bad journalist today, claiming he doesn’t vet his information.

Salon says it better than I can

Judith Miller used to be a superstar. She was a major reporter at the New York Times for decades — at the DC bureau, in Cairo, in Paris, special correspondent to the Persian Gulf, embedded with a special unit in Iraq. She had the best sources. She had amazing scoops. Now she’s writing — on contract, not full-time — for Newsmax, a goofy right-wing magazine where conservatives you’ve never heard of (and John Stossel, apparently) report, constantly, that Barack Obama is bad and unpopular. It’s a steep fall, and it couldn’t have happened to a worse journalist.

Since her early days at the Times, when she inserted CIA misinformation into a piece on Libya, she’s always been a tool of power. She was the voice of the Defense Department, embedded at the Times. She was hyping bullshit stories about Iraq’s WMD capabilities as far back as 1998, and in the run-up to the war, her front-page scoops were cited by the Bush administration as evidence that Saddam needed to be taken out, right away.

My son was willing to die and almost succeeded for the likes of Judith Miller. Truthfully, if I were unfortunate enough to cross paths with Judith Miller, pacifist that I am, I would be hard pressed not to rip her throat out. She is lucky I wouldn’t lower myself to her level.

At the end of the clip Fox asks for its viewers to send them evidence of biased reporting. Program a twitter bot and send them a link to everything they have ever reported – do it again and again. DDoS them with their own garbage, they have certainly churned out enough of it.