The World editorial board recommends throwing all caution to the wind and signing a rushed mineral lease with Oregon Resources. The editorial doesn’t outline any details of the draft lease that as written, according to Commissioner Bob Main, “…will take food out of the mouths of the hard working people of Coos County”.

The editorial supports requiring Nikki Whitty to vote via phone from her sick bed in order to seal a deal on a complicated mineral lease before ousted commissioner and ORC sympathizer Kevin Stufflebean is replaced in January by Andy Jackson whose position on the mining is unknown. Stufflebean, who lost badly in the election, has been called out for his lack of integrity and outright lying on this blog as well as at The World and was even caught in a lie by a reporter from the paper yesterday.

The paper urges that months of lease negotiations, or ‘dithering’ as the editorial refers to them, be wrapped up in a late afternoon, holiday worksession, in order to allow Kevin Stufflebean an opportunity to burden the county for years to come with the consequences of another decision entirely devoid of critical thinking or integrity.

Is The World actually on the ORC payroll? Editorializing on a lease they do not even have the expertise to analyze (as evidenced by an email from a reporter after the editorial was published) reveals a level of gross irresponsibility bordering on contempt for the people of the county and its readers. This proves The World is not a newspaper it is a publicity outlet.