In advance of another massive document dump “seven times bigger than the Afghan Diaries” it is worthwhile to look at US coverage of the original Iraq war logs and Wikileaks. The information dumps received worldwide coverage and thousands of words of reporting except in the US.

Israel has been warned of potential embarrassment from the release, which could include confidential reports from the US embassy in Tel Aviv.

Washington also contacted authorities in Ankara, a senior Turkish diplomat told AFP news agency, speaking on condition of anonymity.

According to Turkish media reports, the planned release includes papers suggesting that Turkey helped al-Qaeda fighters in Iraq, and that the US helped Iraq-based separatist Kurdish rebels fighting against Turkey.

The data could also harm Moscow’s relations with Washington, the Kommersant newspaper reported Friday.

The confidential cables contain general assessments of the political situation in Russia and “unflattering characteristics” of Russian leaders, the respected business daily reported, citing a top source at the whistle-blowing website.

“The documents include recordings of US diplomats’ conversations with Russian politicians, assessments of Russia’s most notable events, and analyses of what is happening in the country and in its domestic and foreign politics,” the newspaper wrote.

From local newspapers to global networks the importance of free press and media is critically important.


For true democracy to work, people need easy access to independent, diverse sources of news and information.

But the last two decades have seen unprecedented corporate media consolidation. The U.S. media was already fairly homogeneous in the early 1980s: some fifty media conglomerates dominated all media outlets, including television, radio, newspapers, magazines, music, publishing and film. In the year 2000, just six corporations dominated the U.S. media.

In addition, corporate media outlets in the U.S. are legally responsible to their shareholders to maximize profits.

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