Honestly, yesterday, when I heard Stufflebean was refusing comment on the AG findings that nullified all his corruption accusations against Sheriff Andy Jackson, I thought it a good strategy. Just a day later and he is at it again and again it is in an email to The World.

Stufflebean refused to answer The World’s questions about the investigation on Tuesday. Instead he renewed his attack on Jackson in an e-mail to the newspaper:

‘I am, of course, gratified that the investigators found no evidence of criminal activity in the Coos County Sheriff’s Office, however, I still maintain that there are problems in the management of that office that are of concern to me and should be pursued. I am committed as a commissioner to making sure all departments within the county are run efficiently and honestly. I still have grave ethical and moral concerns about the sheriff’s office and will continue to raise these issues.”

Was it another late night tirade? If so, his supporters should consider locking up his computer and his iPhone everyday before cocktail hour.

Did he email an apology to the Sheriff? Not that I have heard.

It is one thing if Kevin wants to ‘continually’ embarrass himself but does he have to embarrass the County along with it? Please Kevin, step down or shut up or both.