Despite mounting evidence that BP is a bad actor and a bill penidng in the Senate, the nation is now caught deciding whether national security, ie, supplying adequate fuel to the military is more critical than protecting the gulf coast and billions of dollars in fishing and tourism.

The amendment was put forward by Illinois Democrat Luis Gutierrez. “There is ample evidence leading up to and including the current disaster in the Gulf of Mexico that BP is not a ‘responsible source’ and shows a consistent disregard for federal law and the lives and livelihoods of Americans,” Gutierrez said. The bill is currently in the Senate.

The ‘lives and livelihoods of Americans’ is clearly not at the top of BP’s list of priorities. Consider this expose´ from Rachel Maddow about the lack of readiness for such a disaster. Below that, satirist Lewis Black and Keith Olbermann compare BP CEO, Tony Hayward to Baghdad Bob of the initial invasion into Iraq. Funny if it weren’t so true.