In another testament to why this county remains in the economic funk it has enjoyed these last two decades, The World endorses the incumbents for Seats 2 and 3 in the upcoming commissioners race. Thankfully, for those of us ready for some fresh thinking, The World has a poor batting average for predicting winners… they endorsed loser John Griffith, gone but not forgotten, these last four years.

There is the added bonus too. The World can’t write an op/ed worth a damn. Consider this graf (and gaffe) from an editorial endorsing Whitty.

Experience should be the deciding factor in the Seat 2 race for Coos County commissioner. Incumbent Nikki Whitty has it. Her opponents don’t.

“Experience should be the deciding factor…” Experience? Experience in what… pipeline mismanagement? Employee mishandling? Public meeting manipulation and obfuscation? The author just throws out declarative statements as if they are spectators at a football game. “Drive the ball! Move those legs! Run” They may as well have said… “Blue should be the deciding factor. Whitty has it. Her opponents don’t”. Blahhh

Consider the author’s assessment of Stufflebean.

Defying the road workers union showed courage on the taxpayers’ behalf. He supports industrial development that will create jobs. He’s an effective advocate for social services.

Yet his handling of the Road Department layoffs was as clumsy and arrogant as it was courageous. We have reservations about his candor.

Here we see this author, like the incumbents, has no critical thinking skills. Stufflebean..”showed courage on the taxpayers’ behalf”. How was that, exactly? The road department layoffs may have been many things, including hidden from the public and based upon bad, unapproved budget projections but courageous wasn’t one of them. (gutless is more like it) He supports “…development that will create jobs.” Everyone supports development to create jobs, so what?

Now, I love this line. “We have reservations about his candor”. In other words they suspect, as I do, that he lies!!!! Yet they endorse a liar! Actually, The World endorses a November run off between a suspected liar and another status quo candidate, previous Commissioner Gordon Ross, (he was in on the pipeline mess too). Ughh!

This time I am actually grateful for lousy writing!