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Thank goodness citizens are taking notice of the sorry public money investment practices that seem to pervade Coos County. Someone is making money but it isn’t the taxpayer.

I have two questions, but first some background on why I have these questions.

The history of America is such that when people wanted to start a business they gathered the money and/or supporters, got the necessary permits and started their business.

Not so here in Coos County.

When Northwest Natural wanted to start their business here and lay their 12″ pipeline, the state legislature provided $4 million of our tax dollars ( 2 years before we knew of the project ). Then 2 years later our Commissioners convinced a majority of voters to place a $50+ Million bond against property owners for 20 years for the N.W. Natural project. Furthur the state legislators , under HB 3046, in 2007 forgave them their property taxes. The land owners whose property they took got no such consideration. To date I do not believe the tax payers have received any compensation and only minimal jobs.

When The Jordon Cove people wanted to start their LNG project our tax dollars, throuogh the Port of Coos Bay Commission, were used to obtain a contract with Weyerhaeuser. When they needed to exchange the wetlands on the site for another wetlands the Port of Coos Bay Commission, and the county Commissioners again came into play with legislation, and tax dollars.. They re-zoned Kentuck golf course.. Additionally, being in an enterprise zone they will be forgiven property taxes for 3 years.

Now Oregon Resources Corp., another foreign company, wants to do business with Weyerhaeuser in strip mining for chromite. Again our tax dollars are being used to make it possible. Our Commissioners plan on spending $1 Million+ of our tax dollars over 2+ years to re-do W. Beaver Hill Road so ORC can run their trucks 24/7 for 20+ years on a route presently called ‘scenic’. In 2009 the State and the county Commissioners forgave them their Corporate taxes for 10 years. They are also in an enterprise zone.

This seems to be only the tip of the iceberg.

My questions are: 1. How much money has the Northwest Natural 12″ pipeline netted to the citizens of Coos County & Oregon to date? 2. Are the county Commissioners going to again raise the citizens’ property taxes to the full extent under law or are they going to be considerate of our hard times and hold the line where it is??

Jaye Bell

Time to start hammering the questions but more importantly, demanding the answers. Some of our county commissioners, Kevin Stufflebean in particular, are not good at answering questions.