Any organization or company that hires someone of such low character deserves to be tarred with the same brush. Michael Vick is a despicable human being and he should rot in hell and the NFL with him, or better yet, donate his salary to animal rights advocacy groups. The man is a monster.

Most people are aware that Michael Vick was “convicted of dog fighting.” They know he went to prison, and they’ve also probably seen the news stories, including a moving Sports Illustrated cover story, about the Vick dogs that were rescued and rehabilitated after being seized from his Bad Newz Kennels.

But that’s only part of the story.

“What Michael Vick did was not just dog fighting,” said Marthina McClay of Our Pack, a pit bull rescue group in Santa Clara, and the owner of one of the Vick dogs, Leo. “It went so far beyond that, and most people who defend him are uninformed. They don’t really realize what Michael Vick did.”

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