It is really hard to maintain any optimism or hope that Coos County might participate in a knowledge economy when the largest newspaper writes an editorial designed to keep the populous dumb and angry.

Entitled ‘Politics is all about persuasion’ the editor proceeds to persuade the reader a recent decision on the part of the City of San Francisco City to denounce Coos Bay’s proposed LNG terminal and pipeline is not based on factual data and well researched decision making. Rather that SF is populated by liberal busy bodies intruding upon other people’s business.

Opponents of a North Spit LNG terminal have failed to enlist hometown councils and boards in their cause. Oregon requires neutrality on land-use planning issues, and besides, local electees don’t need a fracas.

Thwarted at home, the LNG foes found willing ears in San Francisco. And such ears! The San Fran has a notorious fondness for crusades both large and small. It has battled the National Rifle Association over banning handguns, lectured China about human rights, and cleansed the city of non-biodegradable grocery bags.

Now, I could easily argue that each of the ‘crusades’ listed above have significant economic impact on the well being of San Francisco citizens but The World isn’t interested in facts or they would not belittle Jody McCaffree, a life long resident of Coos County, without citing some facts to support backup their own unconditional support for foreign LNG. The editor, still devoid of facts then resorts to name calling labeling board member, Chris Daly a “firebrand di tutti firebrand”. How classy, Clark, you should be really proud of your pithy, earthy and studiously ignorant redneck prose.

One final comment, the editorial begins by referring to old time journalists as if the writer had some insight into real journalism. Old time journalists, real journalists considered it a requirement to inform their readers, not blow smoke up their asses. How stupid do you think everyone is?