Picture 2The story is being dissembled all over the media and Keith and Margaret Carlson have some fun while reporting on the false claims that quitting would save Alaska money.

In fact, Palin’s resignation might cost Alaska millions of dollars because a special session of the legislature must be called to appoint a new lieutenant governor.

Legal opinion is in, and a special session of the Alaska state legislature looms. Yup, that means that in all likelihood, this pack of hearty souls who have had to endure what must have felt like the longest gubernatorial partial term in the history of ever….isn’t done yet.

Meanwhile the Anchorage Daily News confirms the MSNBC report above the ‘millions’ would have been paid anyway and none of that money from the Department of Law would have ever been used to hire teachers or troopers.

Those state employees would have been paid regardless.

What about helping teachers, benefitting troopers, making roads safer or “soldiers’ benefits” — the kinds of alternative uses of the money that Palin has described repeatedly?

Asked about that, Leighow said staffers from multiple state agencies had to set aside their normal duties. State lawyers were also pulled off cases, she said.