Those of us that have listened to the audio or watched the video of the December 3, 16, and 31, 2008 Commissioner meetings and budget work session, of course, already knew the talk radio agitator’s claim was false. Den and themguys suffered through the program and heard the host claim that Bob Main advised him that he had heard the road crew was being downsized at the December 16 meeting. Would have been quite a feat indeed if Main had since nowhere on the audio does a statement about layoffs occur. Today, we had further confirmation the host is in error, from Bob Main

Bice has not talked to me since April/May of 2008.

Bob Main

Perhaps he was dreaming for I am sure he would never deliberately tell a falsehood, especially on the air, or deliberately mislead his listeners. We would ask him to cite the time to the second the statements occurred on the audio but he isn’t worth the bother and we already know it doesn’t exist.