A widely publicized study claiming that there is no evidence that Wal-Mart has had a negative impact on the small business sector is debunked. Careful review of the study by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance found fatal flaws and this paper highlights the problems. Since I am an advocate of localization I hope this study will be of interest.

None of the data presented here is causal: the fact that independent retail businesses declined in numbers and market share at the same time that Wal-Mart and other large-format retailers grew does not prove that one caused the other.
But it does make clear that the small business sector is not as robust as it was 20 years ago. Sobel and Dean’s sweeping conclusion that “there is no evidence that Wal-Mart has had a significant impact on the overall size, growth, or profitability of the U.S. small business sector” is unfounded.

We all appreciate a bargain but just like importing power exports dollars so too does buying from companies like WalMart. For every dollar we try to save we dig the local economy into a deeper and deeper crevasse.