Leah’s Army put together a fantastic float in memory of Leah Freeman, murdered at 15, eight years ago. Her murder goes unsolved and more and more citizens have tired of inaction on the case and marched in solidarity with her mother, Cory Courtright. Leah was and still is missed and much loved.
Leah's Army
by magix | Jun 8, 2008 | Coos County, Coquille, Oregon | 9 comments
Yes, she will, fresh from the bull fights in Pamplona and raring to go. (She may be a little snooty now about domestic champagne, however, after sampling all that French stuff in Paris).
Absolutely Magix! Someone has an obsession with well….I don’t know…me, Leah’s case and obviously emails!! I will definitely clue you in – perhaps in Mexico? Our friend will be home then…..that would surely be our opportunity!
Hmmm, seems that you have learned some ‘history’ afterall… you will have to fill me in later.
OK! I’m back!!!! Tee Hee!! Just when the little twirp thought she’d heard the last of me!!! Wonder how the happy little home life is now for the big mouth. My “cousin” my ass Tammy! Yeah that’s right I’m sayin’ you are full of shit. Maybe she’d like to email me again! Or better yet she could email my friend 8 times in one small setting.- AGAIN! Obsessed I tell you. Nothing short of obsessed. Whey!! Cry Cry Cry! I’m sure I’ve hurt your tiny little feelers again. Shame on me huh? No. Shame on you for being such a frickin’ liar. Liar. You really have a way of annoying people ya know it snively one? Oh dear me! What if I have made you go back up to the ER!!! Just tell “Smeller” I said hello! Ha!
I’m not going to shut up now.I thought for a second I would and changed that thought real quick!!
Oh, Cory, you are too strong and too determined to give power to the self interests of a few police wives. What have they ever said or written that gives their opinion any merit whatsoever? Nothing, in fact, the mind numbingly thoughtless, ignorant and poorly considered comments made by one wife http://mgx.com/blogs/2008/05/12/welcome-to-coquille/
attest that little they say should be taken seriously. I admit that her comments did more to discourage my hope that any humanity or decency resided at the police department than almost anything else but we have to let it go.
Don’t even address their rants in the paper or acknowledge their nasty gossip, these are not pinnacles of society. Sadly, Coquille is populated by people who believe it is acceptable to engage in mean spirited gossip… it is practically a municipal sport.
There is a an opportunity, however small, to influence the hiring of a new police chief. We have to rally Leah’s Army and the press and attend every hiring review meeting. We cannot leave that decision to the city manager alone, we have seen where his interests lie.
Stay strong and organize. This is what we have to do and whatever you do, do not ‘shut the fuck up’. Your voice is your power.
I’m with you.
OK. Here it is. Mary, thank you so much for all you have done to try to help me in seeking justice for Leah. I really hate to do this on your blog but it seems to be the only place I can voice my opinion. And it seems to be the place where I KNOW the policewives will certainly see my comment once and for all. It has come to my attention that the CPD and their lovely wives believe that I should take the blame for Leah’s death. At least I should have known that her boyfriend would never bring her home. You got it ladies. I am the one who needs to take the blame for it all. Well, as I am sure they will all be jumping for joy when they read this, I hope to hell they are all happy. Oh yeah, all their love love love – shove it! I could care less about any of you. You all lie. Let’s hear some more about your love and concern for Leah Freeman. I am sick to death of fighting the no good system and the police and their wives. This is it. No more from me. Yep. That’s right ladies you got your wish. I will finally shut the fu** up. Now you can all go on back to your happy little home lives where everything is peachy keen and I won’t be around to tell what your husbands have done to myself and my family and most importantly Leah Freeman. Now if this all tickles your little fancy then good for you. Oh yes, I musn’t forget to mention the “Good Doctor”. Yes I certainly hope you all have a blast at your little party in August. Don’t bother even thinking about Leah again. Live happy lives and I hope someday you all have to eat your words.
Many people commented about the float, about how great it was that you guys put Leah’s name back out in front of the community again.
Heard one person asking another who Leah Freeman was and they answered and said the police had ‘f__ed up’ the investigation. I didn’t recognize either of them but more than you share that opinion.
Thank you Mary! It was so nice to see some of Leah’s friends from school and all the people who are supporting me in my efforts to get Leah her justice. We had a very welcoming crowd of people cheering us on and taking pictures…some even crying. I have met some pretty awesome people in creating this event for the float for the parade…..nice to know so many still care. Looks like you got a pretty good picture too!