Carl Foster has stabilized enough now to move to a rehabilitation facility in Portland. Kaycee Faught, his daughter, is living nearby.

Nancy Keller, has decided to help raise awareness of Foster and his family. Personally, I found her flippant, dismissive and prejudicial commentary in her letter to the editor regarding Foster to be thoughtless and in poor taste so I am relieved to see her comments.

Thank you, Nancy, those of us who have been damaged or had our rights infringed upon by the Coquille PD are glad to know you are thinking of us as well.

UPDATE: Paula Knight who has been forwarding cards and well wishes to Kaycee Faught from the beginning recently had surgery. Please send her your thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

Also, a reminder that there is a fund setup at US Bank for Carl Foster which you can donate to to help Kaycee offset the costs of moving nearer her father.