by Dr Robert Fischer | Oct 10, 2012 | Bandon, Coos County, Oregon
he Tea Party is a strange group. They’re well-organized, well-financed, and often articulate, but there’s something about them that’s not quite right. Take for example their position on the war in Afghanistan. After eleven long years, a cost of $600 billion, and...
by magix | Feb 16, 2012 | Coos County, Oregon
Presenting perhaps the first real budget plan I have seen in a local campaign, Sanne demonstrated to a group attending an Americans For Prosperity meeting how the county, using its forest fund and the average annual property tax increase to meet its current level of...
by magix | Feb 14, 2012 | Coos County, Oregon
Randy Sanne, candidate for commissioner position number one, will be speaking tomorrow evening at the Americans for Prosperity meeting to be held at the ESD building in North Bend. Sanne will present his budget plan and explain how close the county os to a balanced...
by magix | Oct 28, 2011 | Featured, Media, Politics
Libertarian billionaire Koch brothers throw their wealth at state level politics, climate change denial, union busting and deregulation, all of which makes them richer while they still lay off thousands of workers. Al Jazeera’s People and Power exposes the Koch...