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Author: magix

'Spooks' weigh in on domestic spying

Professional wiretappers are both stunned and appalled that ‘spying’ had been turned inward on the citizens of the US.

“It’s drilled into you from minute one that you should not ever, ever, ever, under any fucking circumstances turn this massive apparatus on an American citizen,” one source says. “You do a lot of weird shit. But at least you don’t fuck with your own people.”

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Senator's hands were tied

Josh Marshall has posted a copy of a letter from Sen Jay Rockefeller to the VP here

Regarding his authorization of warrantless wiretaps, Bush claimed today –

This program is carefully reviewed approximately every 45 days to ensure it is being used properly. Leaders in the United States Congress have been briefed more than a dozen times on this program.

Rockefeller’s letter affirms that he was in fact briefed by the Vice President but the secure nature of the briefing prohibited him from confirming the legality of the spying.

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The biggest lie yet!

The threat to our nation, our civil liberties, is getting worse and worse. Martin Garbus has written a chilling piece at Huffington Post. Since 1978 every administration has had the FISA court available, but, as far as is known,...

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Another press conference!

This unprecedented number of press conferences in the last few days indicates that Bush advisors are edgy about the revelations of warrantless spying on American citizens. The conference began first by reminding Americans to be terrified and then continued along by justifying his authorization of spying on citizens. He asserts that his has the absolute authority to spy on the US.

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