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Author: magix

Impeachment making the mainstream

Barely had time to keep up with the news lately and write anything substantive, I haven’t figured out how to blog ‘in-transit’. Anyway, just a note to note that it appears that the term impeachment is starting to make its way out of the dark halls and closets, mens’ rooms and closed offices of the House and Senate into full view. From The Nation Elizabeth Von Holzman writes

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A Blackhawk down

A Blackhawk helicopter went down killing 12 yesterday near Talafar in Iraq. No cause for the crash has been given as yet. As noted on this site earlier, large purchases of fully automatic weapons and anti-aircraft missiles and launchers were purchased from the Tamil Tigers by al Qaeda and Taliban operatives. I hope that this incident doesn’t mark the beginning of a what could be a whole new level of lethality for US troops.

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