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Author: magix

There are lives in the balance

I’ve been waiting for something to happen, For a week or a month or a year… Lives in the Balance, Jackson Browne, 1986

Hearing Browne’s words play on the radio after a particularly poignant conversation with my battle scarred son impressed upon me once again, the chronic apathy and seemingly mindless complacency that afflicts this nation as regards the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. With 1,210 days, at this writing, into the Iraq war the death toll stands at 2,546.

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So few for so many

America, despite a bulging population of almost 300 million has rotated only 1.5 million troops through Iraq and Afghanistan, many for multiple tours of duty. Never, in the history of this country, have so few fought for so many. The lighter, faster, deadlier Pentagon doctrine as envisioned by the current administration has failed not only the people of Iraq but exhausted our men and women on the ground and has no doubt contributed to the horrors of events like Haditha and Ishaqi.

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Join DailyKos and MyDD in Portland!!

April 10, 2006

You are invited to a celebration of grassroots politics in Oregon! With Special Guests DailyKos.com founder Markos Moulitsas Z̼niga and MyDD.com founder Jerome Armstrong In support of the ultimate grassroots candidate РRob Brading for State Representative.

About our Special Guests, Markos Moulitsas Zúniga and Jerome Armstrong:

DailyKos.com and MyDD.com are two of the most popular progressive blogs in the country, with over a million unique visitors everyday. In their new book, “Crashing the Gate. Netroots, Grassroots and The Rise of People-Powered Politics”, Zúniga and Armstrong take a shot across the bow at the political establishment in Washington, DC.

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Counter Mourners

The worst thing about war is that it takes matters of life and death out of the hands of the divine, outside a state of grace and places these affairs into the graceless, imperfect hands of mortals. WH Auden wrote in his epitaph for the tomb of an unknown soldier, “To save your world, you asked this man to die; Would this man, could he see you now, ask why?” American Marines and soldiers are dying in Iraq not because their time has rightly and divinely come but because we have asked them to die. We asked them to die and they did, they died.

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There is a very fine editorial reprinted from the Arkansas-Democrat Gazette in Coos Bay’s local paper, The World. I cannot promise that the link will stay live owing to the archival policies at The World.

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