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Author: magix

Cory Courtright

Cory Courtright spoke to the Coquille City Council Monday evening reading from an eloquent and thoughtful statement she had prepared. One point she brings up is whether it is time to transfer the investigation into her daughter Leah’s murder to another agency.Cory Courtright

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Rich histories of Coquille citizens

The recently formed group of concerned citizens in Coquille has introduced me to some interesting and inspiring people, including Cliff Latta, owner of Greywolf Drums and Cory Courtright, mother of 15 year old murder victim, Leah Freeman. Cory has graciously agreed to let me interview her and to share the information she has about Leah’s death, the investigation, the impact upon her family and how she copes with the tragedy for a national publication.

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CBS Poll reveals lowest support for the occupation, yet.

A new CBS Poll indicates that 77% of the country believe the Iraq occupation is going badly. 75% polled believe the country is headed in the wrong direction and 66% believe the troops should be pulled out completely or levels reduced. Hopefully this will translate into public pressure being exerted upon Congress to resolve the Iraq conflict.

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