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Author: magix

Civil Rights Symposium

Come one and all, August 11, 2007 from 1:00 to 3:00PM at the Coquille Community Center to a civil rights symposium. Learn about your civil rights, what they are and how to protect them when interacting with law enforcement.

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Murder in small towns – Leah Freeman

The World has a story about Jeremy Bright who disappeared from Myrtle Point 21 years ago at the age of 14. Unlike Leah Freeman his remains have not been found and he is listed as a missing person and probably homicide. The article which will expire tomorrow so I will not link to it describes Jeremy’s mother, Diane Beatty and her frustration with the investigation as handled by Myrtle Point PD

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Fox Opinion and media complicity

Many of us have already been writing to and boycotting products and services of companies that advertise on Fox News. (There are several variants on the name Fox News, most unprintable, but the most appropriate would be Fox Opinion. They should just give up the pretense of ‘news’.) The movement is growing and you can learn more about it here

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Leah's time has come, let's solve this murder

Regarding the recent civil uprising in Coquille, City Manager Terence O’Connor advised the city council that ‘staff‘ had reviewed all audio recordings of various traffic stops and had concluded that every officer acted professionally. Staff have been identified as Chief Reaves, Sargeant Smith and O’Connor himself. Other non traffic related complaints continue unaddressed leaving those complainants in the same state of frustration as before. The seeming impossibility of having a complaint impartially addressed and acted upon in Coquille adds fuel to the ‘foxes in the hen house’ metaphor so often applied to City Hall.

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