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Author: magix

1st Amendment wins as part of Patriot Act annuled

The ACLU announced a victory today when a federal judge struck down a provision of the revised ‘Patriot Act’.

A federal court today struck down the amended Patriot Act’s National Security Letter (NSL) provision. The law has permitted the FBI to issue NSLs demanding private information about people within the United States without court approval, and to gag those who receive NSLs from discussing them. The court found that the gag power was unconstitutional and that because the statute prevented courts from engaging in meaningful judicial review of gags, it violated the First Amendment and the principle of separation of powers.

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Passions intensify at Bandon vigil

Every Friday evening in Bandon at the intersection of Hwy 101 and 42S dozens of citizens exercise their 1st Amendment rights. For over two years I have participated, first with Women In Black (WIB) which hold a silent vigil on the southeast corner. More recently I have stood with Veterans For Peace (VFP) on the northwest corner where I often hold a sign which reads, “Refuse to fight a war begun by men who refused to fight a war”.

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Bill Maher on Civil Rights

This aired in March but is worth reliving as the Senate decides who should be our next US Attorney General. He gets in a few jabs at the democrats which will annoy my favorite partisan hack but I am going to post this anyway. As...

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The Revisionist History Channel

This would be even funnier if it were not true – sadly it is all too true. Watch this clip over at Crooks and Liars The creationist museum piece is pretty cute (hat tip Dr. Robert D. Fischer)

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