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Author: magix

Mike Gravel – Helter Skelter

I have said it before, I really like this man. For those who do not know his history go here. Senator Gravel helped end the draft and read 4000 pages of the Pentagon papers into the Congressional Record, often stopping to wipe...

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Server resources

As readership rises so does the need for increased server resources so I am working with my hosting company to move the site to a dedicated server which will speed the site back up. I apologize for any inconvenience during the...

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Scrap copper worth its weight in copper

The price of copper is rising due in no small part to the increase in power generation. Foreclosed on homes are being gutted of copper pipes and sold at scrap and then exported to, yup, you guessed it, China. scrap copper sells...

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Human dignity advocacy in Coquille

After a spectacular couple of bike rides today I am refreshed enough to put some thoughts down about advocacy in Coquille. Our life experiences, even the bitter ones or perhaps especially the bitter ones, empower us. They also...

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