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Author: magix

Vote NO on 40 and 41

Mandatory minimum sentencing and its ‘tough on crime’ brethren the infamous ‘three strikes your out’ law have been enacted in many states and a few countries. In every case there has been marked increase in prison...

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Civilians not Taliban hit by US bomb attack

On August 22, 2008 it was reported that a US air strike on a Taliban stronghold in Afghanistan had resulted in thirty deaths. AP) U.S.-led troops attacked a compound where Taliban leaders were meeting in western Afghanistan,...

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How nice!!

Today I was stopped by someone who wished to apologize to me for allowing a certain ‘older woman’ to color their opinion of me and my family. Considering I had never met this person I was very touched by the...

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Olbermann – Overplaying the POW card

Read Lt General Gard’s (USA retired) position in full here. Active duty military currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan have the greatest stake in the outcome of this election which may explain why veterans are donating...

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