An October 2020 report prepared and published by then President Donald Trump’s own Department of Homeland Security declared that “…racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists—specifically white supremacist extremists (WSEs)—will remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland.”

As if anticipating the events just a few months later that took place on January 6, the report also states domestic terrorism acts of violence “…probably will depend on political or social issues that often mobilize other ideological actors to violence…”, such as immigration, environmental, election denialism and police-related issues.

The report warns of “violent extremist media” spreading violent extremist ideologies and using social media by exploiting fears and grievances to influence action including violence within the United States. For examples of this type of media just check out the alternative news sources link on the local extremist group CRL (Citizens Restoring Liberty), website which runs the gamut from Breitbart, The Epoch Times to the disgraced (and bankrupt) Sandy Hook Massacre denier, Alex Jones’ InfoWars.

Coos County has its own entries into what a local leftist podcaster, Israel Jurich, terms “the outrage machine”. A local AM talk radio host Rob Taylor with ties to and sympathizer of convicted traitor and seditionist, Enrique Tarrio, uses his Monday afternoon program to manufacture outrage and perpetuate, amongst other things, election denialism and transphobia.

A relatively new entry into this arena is The Patriot Press Coos News. The tabloid appears to be the love child of failed county clerk candidate and vexatious election denial litigant, Diane Rich. A follower of the CRL group of religious fascists currently running candidates in local nonpartisan races, Rich’s publication is rich, (forgive the pun), with right wing dogma and conspiracies.

Rather than waste too much time on the content suffice it to say that a recent issue runs the gamut from blaming the spotted owl for wildfires and starving children, to accusing George Soros of turning schools into “indoctrination playgrounds”. According to Coos News, school libraries are saturated with pornography and books should be burned and schools are filled with litter boxes and kids hissing and scratching. Transgender and LGBTQ children are ungodly and have brought about the devaluation of the American dollar.

The paper even invokes the “Let’s Go Brandon” rallying cry of the far right. About the only thing Rich might have done to be even more of a cliché, more of a Saturday Night Live parody of a MAGA conspiracy theorist would to have included a selfie of herself wearing a tinfoil hat.

Rich and Taylor and the list of violent extremist media share more than just talking points they also have a reckless disregard for the truth. Nevertheless, despite the lack of journalistic integrity, local businesses willingly support these media platforms and their efforts to divide and terrorize anyone with a different world view.

These advertisers include many of the usual suspects. The Rob Taylor Report, Avery Plumbing and an ad for Carol Yardley’s election campaign to the North Bend School District. Yardley has not reported this ad, or any other income or expense on Orestar.

Below is a list of Coos County advertisers supporting these “outrage” platforms.

Mastco Properties – Dancia Mast

Pacific Properties

Multi-Use Storage in Coquille

Expert Towing and Auto Sales


Lakeside Marina

Clean Rivers

Lloyd Electric LLC

Johnson Rock Products.

UPDATE: Shortly after publication of this post, YMarina notified Diane Rich they would no longer support her publication and indicated that Rich may not have been forthcoming in describing the true content of her newsletter. Kudos to YMarina for doing the right thing!

UPDATE 2: Both Mastco Properties and Clean Rivers have indicated they were unaware of the content of Coos News and have pulled their advertising. Kudos to Mastco Properties and Clean Rivers.

UPDATE 3: Lakeside Marina states they do not support the content of the May edition of Coos News and have informed Geddry they plan to pull future advertising from the publisher.