Speaking recently at a Bandon church to Citizens Restoring Liberty, right wing radio personality Rob Taylor said, “I don’t like laws.”  Many guests on his show share his attitude.  Since the start of 2021 at least 3 of these guests were convicted criminals – Joey Gibson, Mike Nearman and Enrique Tarrio. 

            Mr. Gibson is the leader of Patriot Prayer.  In April OPB reported that in 2002 he pled guilty to felony theft in Washington state.  He has a pending felony riot charge in Multnomah County, Oregon. 

            Mr. Nearman is a former State Representative.  In July he pled guilty to first degree official misconduct for letting rioters into the State Capitol Building last December.  Hours after pleading guilty he said, “I don’t think I did anything wrong.”  Mr. Nearman is the only lawmaker ever expelled from the Oregon Legislature.  Both Republicans and Democrats voted unanimously to remove him. 

            Enrique Tarrio is a repeat offender currently serving time in Federal Lockup.  Since he is the most notorious of Mr. Taylor’s guests lets take a closer look at him.

            Mr. Tarrio is the National Leader of the Proud Boys.  They identify as “Western Chauvinists.”   The Proud Boys frequently engage in brawls with leftists in cities across America including Portland, Oregon. 

            Shortly before he was to go on the air in January the Rob Taylor report website announced, “Rescheduled due to arrest.”  Mr. Tarrio’s arrest culminated in him pleading guilty in Federal Court to burning a Black Lives Matter banner and attempted possession of high-capacity ammunition clips that are illegal in Washington, D.C.  The banner that Mr. Tarrio and a mob burned was torn down from the oldest black church in Washington, D.C. 

            The church was also vandalized but Mr. Tarrio was not charged with that crime.  Mr. Tarrio claimed he didn’t know the banner was from a church.  However, a video showed him in front of the building. 

            Before sentencing him in late August Federal Judge Harold Cashenberry said, “Mr. Tarrio has clearly-intentionally and proudly-crossed the line from peaceful protest and assembly to dangerous and potentially violent conduct.”  He was given five months incarceration.  Mr. Tarrio said his punishment was, “strictly political.” 

            Mr. Tarrio was previously convicted of fraud.  Reuters reported that after he was charged in 2012, he became a, “prolific informer.”  Information he provided resulted in the prosecution of 13 people in two separate cases.  Mr. Tarrio was rewarded by having his sentence reduced from 30 to 16 months. 

            Mr. Tarrio’s pattern of rationalizing his crimes and snitching to reduce his punishment is classic offender behavior.  He may yet be rehabilitated but treating him as a celebrity and putting him on the air only glorifies Mr. Tarrio’s crimes.