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As Republicans try again to block the implementation of Obamacare, the major part of the Affordable Care Act is about to take effect. Individuals seeking health insurance under Obamacare will be able to enroll online through new federal marketplaces beginning October 1. The marketplaces are primarily designed to serve the 48 million Americans without health insurance and those who buy insurance on their own. To help navigate the new system, we speak to Elisabeth Benjamin, Vice President of Health Initiatives of Community Service Society of New York. “When you go to the marketplace, you will be able to put in your information and it will give you a very small selection of plans. You will have choices, but the choices will be standardized. You will be able to do a real comparison — you will know exactly how for example Aetna compares with Empire or Blue Cross Blue shield,” Benjamin says. “So for the first time, purchasing health insurance will be on a level playing field, which is remarkable for consumers.”

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