Do you believe in fairies, or faeries or even the Crossline Ferry? The World editors think we have to believe in magic and that, “Local officials have to believe the glass slipper is out there. They have to keep looking.” Yep, no matter how much money is wasted, or false hopes dashed, or promises broken the paper advocates for the local economic development agencies to keep repeating the same failures but to expect different results. Keep ignoring the public and keep spending millions of dollars that never stick to working class ribs or better yet ask the public to clap its hands and believe in Tinkerbell so the Port staff can pretend to save Wendy and just keep “…shrugging off setbacks and relentlessly chasing leads — even though most of them lead nowhere.”
At least the editors acknowledge what Port critics have been saying for years, the development schemes from ferries to t-docks to coal exports on rickety railroads, to tax exempt chromite processing, to… they “lead nowhere”.
Honestly, you cannot make this stuff up.
“And that is what tax money is for: To improve the lives of the people who live here”
You silly boy, that is exactly where our tax dollars went, three Messerlies on the public dole for years, the walrus Jon Barton has been able to have his fat fingers in every non-profit he can find, all the while blowing smoke up the arses of the voters.
Just because you aren’t of the ruling class, methinks you are just jealous of their smartiness and truthiness which pays them very well.
Honesty and integrity has no place in Coos County Economic Development, nor in the local paper, I won’t even call it a ‘news’ paper, it is not, just a tired old industry rag who thinks high school sports will fill the vacuum. Losing their arses, but they won’t change. Today Clark has another Port Hole idea from the Port A Holes. My opinion only of course. Wouldn’t want a Koch sucker to take me to court for posting the truth would I?
Remember, remember Charley Yates, and what Sause and Knutson and their trained spawn did to him in broad daylight, a man’s career ruined for profit and only cost Barton, Knutson, SCDC $5,000.
A lifetime dedicated to servicing Coos Bay destroyed by shekels tossed by Jon Barton.
Lest we forget.
I wonder if any of these pimps of progress ever fully realize that we could have paved half the unpaved streets in North Bend with the money they have handed over to the worthless SCDC. And that is what tax money is for: To improve the lives of the people who live here. No more subsidies to business recruitment. If we make our area a good place to live, the jobs will come. Spend our tax monies at home. Improve the infrastructure, rewire for internet, put our utilities underground, spend the money on schools, build a new Vietnam memorial w/o a cross. Etc. etc.