Guidelines for comments regarding OOSC postings on MGx 

Occupy is a grass roots movement of the people that operates by consensus not majority vote.  It is based on human equality and therefore we do not list our religious, political or academic affiliations, degrees, certifications, products we sell, or our own personal websites when we post. Usurping the Occupy movement for personal agendas has been an impediment to the Occupy Wall Street movement and we are vigilantly monitoring comments to prevent this, in the interest of all.

This forum is about positive, compassionate communication regarding Occupy in our community.  Trolling with repetition of your points, negative comments, foul language, irrelevancy, and other actions that are destructive to the group, are not aligned with our purposes.   Such comments will be removed or blocked.

Let’s make this a rewarding experience of community sharing; in congruence with the excellence of our beautiful south coast experience.

Working Groups

We are working with several Occupy Oregon media outlets to help coordinate working groups on the south coast. If  you are interested in a group email us at: Copy and paste the title of the group into the subject so that we can connect the group members. We encourage you to attend the GA this Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. on the Coos Bay Boardwalk.


Working Groups & Descriptions

Group Needs
Communication Working Group:
Press releases, electronic & print-out information; Google groups, blogs, web page postings (; technological set-up & education (platforms, open-source); videos, photos, Occupy News & Theory around the USA and the World.


Need someone with a computer and internet  willing to learn how to use some new software.
Sustainable Infrastructure:  Creating a more sustainable livelihood for now and for our children’s children. Assessing our community needs and developing new jobs by reducing, reusing, recycling, and up-cycling (remaking used materials into useable goods).


Need people involved in the community gardens and    alternative energy.
Voter Registration: Reserve table at community events and help citizens register to vote.


Be willing to learn the voter registration process.
Recycling:  Advocate for more recycling bins down town and at local parks and recreational areas. ‘Adopt a Park’ Days, where people meet to clean local commons.


Be able to write and call local businesses and post on social media sites and community centers.
Movies: Movies for Expanding the Mind. Stage public showings of pertinent movies with discussion following.


People willing to review and secure movies to share with others.
Guest Speakers:  Invite significant speakers who can help us envision a New World. Promote and stage the public event. Work with speaker regarding transportation and lodging of said speaker.


Interested in educating our community on issues important to the Occupy movement.
Corporate Money Out of Politics:Brainstorm ideas for promoting awareness of the need for a constitutional amendment to get corporate money out of elections, limit individual campaign expenditures and abolish corporate personhood. Everyone is needed to hold big businesses accountable and create restrictions on campaign contributions.