Francis Eatherington of Cascadia Wildlands has published photos from the recent Rasler timber sale on the Coquille Tribal forest lands east of Powers. They aren’t pretty pictures with damaged creeks, road failures and landslides and call into question the tribe’s forest management practices despite their commercial FSC certifications. Eatherington sent the link to the photos to Jason Robison in order to give the tribe an opportunity to dispute any captions attributed to the photos. Robison didn’t deny any of Eatherington’s claims but instead responded with a list of bizarre questions.

Can you please answer the following questions for me, so that I am better informed prior to responding to the photo captions?

(1) What was the intent of your visit to the Coquille Forest? Did you enjoy your time on the Forest?
(2) Where any of these photos taken by someone else beside you? If so please identify the author/ownership of the photos.
(3) What substantive information was used to develop the captions for the images photographed?
(4) Where these photos taken for personal use or for some other intended usage ? Please identify other uses.
(5) Will these photos be shared with other audiences? If so please identify the audience(s).
(6) Do the photo captions solely represent your personal interpretations or do they represent the interpretations of and organization (i.e. Cascadia Wildlands)?
(7) Some of the photos included people. Can you please identify these people for me?

Once again, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to view these photos.

See all the photos here

Last month the Coquille Tribe contributed $1,000 to the Coos County Alliance for Progress, a political committee formed by Jon Barton, Al Pettit, Joh Knutson, Ron Stuntzner and Joe Bennetti that contributed $4,000 to Fred Messerle’s campaign for commissioner. The committee has raised more than $14,000, with 60% from foreign owned or controlled entities All these companies including the sovereign Coquille tribal nation, ORC and Jordan Cove Energy stand to gain financially from decisions made by the county commission.

A Coos Bay Wagon Road Coalition lists the county, Arnie Roblan and the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce amongst its supporters. The domain was established in June 2011.