Letter to Senator Kruse regarding LNG fast track bill

You said bill 2700 “does not in anyway diminish a property owner’s rights.”

I have a right to my property value not to be diminished. A foreign-own corporation having a permit on MY property lowers my property value and limits the ways I can manage MY property. Today, that’s a Canadian company. Tomorrow, a Chinese or Russian company could take out permits on my property.

You refused to answer any of my emails or phone calls BEFORE you voted. You hid behind your secret vale of foreign-corporate support over that of American landowners. I am very disappointed you wouldn’t even talk to us BEFORE you voted, in spite of our repeated tries to contact you.

You claim the foreign corporation can not do anything on my property until they get my consent. What you really mean is, with a wet-land fill permit on my property, they can force consent with eminent domain easier, paying us an unfair low payment for their forced used of our land — forced use perhaps by a foreign government.

You knew this. You refused a simple amendment to restrict the permits to American-owned companies.

Your job is not to “get past the spin”, as you claim. Your job appears to be to enhance corporate spin instead of standing up for your constituents. And you did it without even talking to us.
Francis Eatherington