by magix | Apr 7, 2010 | Alternative Energy, Coos County, Decentralized energy, Energy, Environment, Local, Oregon, Wind turbines
The Hood River Hotel has a nice April special on river view rooms and so I stayed there Monday to attend a NW Seed conference on wind power held at The Columbia Gorge Discovery Center in The Dalles. As you can see from this window shot, not only is there a view of the...
by magix | Apr 2, 2010 | Alternative Energy, Decentralized energy, Distributed energy, Energy, Environment, Local, Oregon, Wind turbines
We are closing in on our pre-production prototype and I am lucky to have a great staff in operations. As part of the company goal to provide jobs for veterans three of the four members of our operations department have served their country. My VP of Operations was a...
by magix | Mar 23, 2010 | Coos County, Decentralized energy, Distributed energy, Energy, Environment, Local, Oregon, Wind turbines
Currently, the County is being wooed by Oregon Resources Corporation to sign away mineral rights on some 6,000 acres of publicly owned timberland. ORC offers to pay a royalty of 3 or 3.5% or approximately $1.5M annually at some point in the future. ORC talks about...
by magix | Mar 17, 2010 | Coos County, Energy, Local, Oregon, Wind turbines
The vote was unanimous! Coos County holds the equivalent energy potential of billions of barrels of oil under the ground in wind resource. So local leadership pulls some general information off the ODOE website, calls a few other cities for ‘due diligence’...
by magix | Mar 5, 2010 | Energy, National, Wind turbines
AWEA (American Wind Energy Association) is in a snit over proposed legislation that would mandate federal tax credits be denied if a project doesn’t include products made in America. The truth is, by law, Recovery Act grants can only be used to finance projects...
by magix | Feb 19, 2010 | Alternative Energy, Decentralized energy, Distributed energy, Energy, Environment, Local, Oregon, Wind turbines
All this time I thought research and development and prototype design was the hardest part (and believe me it isn’t easy), but the procedural side of launching a new product is pretty damned intense. The brain power required from conceptualization to production...