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Longshoremen to shut down ports

Wow! It looks like it really is going to happen. ILWU plans to protest the Iraq war by holding an eight hour strike on May 1. Their stance comes at a price, threatening future contract negotiations but they will do it nonetheless… This decision came after an...

Is it unconstitutional to mandate health insurance?

Probably it is and as this Op-Ed in the LA Times notes, it is certainly unprecedented. Are health insurance mandates constitutional? They are certainly unprecedented. The federal government does not ordinarily require Americans to purchase particular goods or services...

Courage to resist

The NY Times has an article up about Iraq war deserters. One of the complicating issues about filing for conscientious objector status is brought to light in this article. Many soldiers are not opposed to fighting a war if they believe the cause is just and therefore...

Was that the NSA on the line?

While being interviewed by a foreign journalist today it was hard not to notice the echo on the phone line. Sad that we are freely tapped without any regard for our privacy and while I can’t say for sure that was the reason, I have had overseas calls absent the...