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We should leave Afghanistan

Military Families Speak Out (MFSO) consists of families with loved ones who have or are currently serving in Iraq. MFSO is often mistakenly believed to be an anti-war organization yet many members are third and fourth generation military with a proud tradition in the...

Police taser injured teen 19 times

Video from Rawstory. Honestly, if cops are so damn fearful for their own safety that they can’t exercise any judgment with the public then become a hazard to the community not a help. Some officers just shouldn’t be given toys like tasers. Scared cops are...

Biofuels linked to rising food costs and shortages

A secret report written by Don Mitchell, a senior economist with World Bank, details the impact of government mandated use of biofuels and rising food costs and shortages. “Without the increase in biofuels, global wheat and maize stocks would not have declined...